How to Prepare for Baby's First Outing

Fresh air and sunshine as well as new stimulating sights and sounds can be healthy for your baby.Also, a child tends to need some time to develop at home before they can fully confront the real world.However,deciding when, where and how to take your infant out for the very first time can be especially nerve-wracking for first-time parents. In this article, I will share some tips on preparing to take your baby first outing.
 baby first outing preparation

First,Consult Your Pediatrician

Some moms venture out with baby at three weeks and some wait until 12 weeks. We recommend speaking with your pediatrician to decide when the time is right.If your infant has any health issues or concerns, your doctor may advise waiting a bit longer or bringing certain supplies with you on short outings. Do not head out if baby is tired, hungry or during rush hours.

Place and Duration

The temperature is comfortable, the breeze soothing, and the scent and sights of blooms and life revived, surround you.  There is no doubt you won’t be able to avoid the masses forever. Therefore,I suggest staying clear of crowds in malls and aim for parks and cafe′ patios. Choose a location that is close to home so jetting back is easy should the need arise. Be realistic in your expectations, do not aim for more than two hours, and feel proud of a thirty minute outing. Instead of attempting to squeeze in an errand, take the pressure off by making this first a relaxing experience for you both. The post office and groceries trip can wait for next time.

Get Your Baby Bag Ready for Action

When you have an infant in tow, carrying a bag of extras is unavoidable. The days of “just grab your wallet and go” are gone for the foreseeable future. As such, you can make your outings so much easier and more fun for you both by preparing a baby bag that has all the things you or your baby might need while you are out and about.

Here are some of our recommendations of things to include—be sure to check with your doctor as well:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Diaper cream or ointment
  • Pacifiers
  • Sunhat and baby sunscreen
  • Baby throw blanket for warmth
  • Burping/feeding blanket
  • Bottle and formula or breast milk
  • Change of clothing
  • Sterile water
 owl baby throw blanket
