Things to Do on a Rainy Day

Summer turned to autumn,and the shift in seasons surely brings new charming scenes, but it also brings a lot of something else — rain. Rainy days can throw a wrench in weekend plans. But, we also love rainy days.It’s the perfect time to do the things you just never can get to on your to-do list.We’re bound to have several rainy weekends ahead, so don’t let them go to waste! Here are some ways to fill your rainy Saturday that don’t require you to leave the house!
rainy day movie party

Make a home cinema

Is there anything better than curling up in a cozy throw blanket on a rainy day? Set up a home cinema and invite your friends over for watching movie, complete with popcorn, wine and plenty of ice cream! And your rainy'night just got that much better.

Take a bubble bath

When is the last time you actually treated yourself to a relaxing bubble bath? Still trying to remember? Exactly! Give yourself the spa treatment you deserve with a long bubble bath, complete with fruit you prepare and finally reading a book that has not been read yet. We can’t think of a better way to wind down at the end of the day. Oh, and you’ll definitely want to wrap up in this cozy throw blanket afterward.

Host a game night

Nothing brings out the best in people than a fun, competitive game night! Game nights are always such a blast that you’ll want to make this into a monthly tradition. Take turns hosting, providing the games and bringing the snacks, so it doesn’t all fall onto one person’s plate.

Curl Up with a Book

A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to put on some fuzzy socks, grab a dinosaur throw blanket and curl up on the couch with a great book. Too often, we buy a title that we’re excited about but then get sidetracked by life. Make a promise to yourself to dig into it the next time the weather is cold and damp.
dinosaur throw blanket

Plan a trip

Can’t go right away? Then start planning your next escape! Write down a list of dream destinations and begin your research from the comfort of your own home.

Facetime your long-distance friends

At usual time,we spend most of our time on our work and our family,less on our friends. It can be hard to stay connected when keeping up with your packed schedule, so it’s good to plan video chat “dates” to get the face time you need to reconnect. We recommend setting a biweekly reminder in your phone to give you that extra nudge to pick up the phone (even on your busiest day) to call your friends.

So, forget outdoor activities, ignore the schedules you were planning to do, put on your cozy throw blanket ,and pick one of these things to do at home.Embrace the day as time to recharge and reconnect with people you love. And don’t worry. The sun will (probably) come out tomorrow.
